Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Obama and future of young black children

I have been reading Freakonomics and that book has pretty much changed my way of thought and analyzing a situation. I saw a picture of Barack with some young black boys in New Orleans and I started to extrapolate like in F'nomics.

If Barack would ever to be president, someone needs to collect data for education level in poor black neighborhood schools and the children now and data for the same school and especially students' future when they grow up. It will provide good data to show if they will look up to the first black president as a role model who also happens to be extremely smart and eloquent. Will the reading level improve, will the children see that getting a good high-school and a college education could actually lead to better things in life, the best being (the epitomy) the president of US. I think if Barack would become president, not to sound economical, but the quality of educated black children will improve which will be seen in 20-24 years from now and the sheer quantity will increase as well.

Barack couldn't personally force children to get a better education because the motivation must come from within. Its about time for a new black icon, a real role model. The last one I can think of would be MLK which was a long time ago.