Thursday, November 1, 2007


Tetrachromacy is when you have 4 kinds of cone cells in your retina, when 3 is the normal in mostly all human beings. I would like to have that because thats just awesome..I mean you can see better and things are vibrant (imp. word involving vision).
So, I just had a huge epiphany, Do you realize that what you see and the colors and brightness you percept is actually not what it is? The nature has more to offer, its just we cant see it. What may seem red or green to you may actually not be red or green or any known shades of the two colors. It may be something different that you don't know or have a name for. I mean who is there to prove that what we see is actually what it is, since the whole human population is trichromatic apart from the 2-3% of women who may know what the color exactly is since they are tetrachromatic. I think there are some animals, birds and arachnids that have tetrachromasia but they can't tell us what it is cause they can't talk or write or communicate with humans at that level (That goes without saying more that 2 lines ;-}) I mean, is there a possibility of polychromasia, having 4 or more types of cone cells where you see things how they were made and presented by nature. I just can't believe that I dont see what it actually is. I am grateful for the eyesight but now that I see there are more options available, I feel unsatisfied. C'mon genetic engineering..make me a sweet retina that has 4 or more types of cone cells. I say..go ahead and make me an eye where I percept light beyond the visible wavelenghts! Note: All the blind people who are waiting for an eye implant, just to let you know..what you get is not the best nature has to offer, there can be better options. I guess, I am OK with my vision right now, I am OK with thinking that that my computer frame is black (for now) so take what you get and enjoy it.

Do you realize that this does'nt just go for one of our senses, I mean it can be applicable to hearing and speaking. Let me think this thru and post again later.

Biochem blows.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

30 Rock, my new Television Interest

Apart from chicks, Television is my prime interest. Good TV is better than sex. I would pass up on it if I could watch a marathon of 30 Rock. It mostly has to do with amazing writing and sheer smartness of Tina Fey...
I just realized why I never made a blog in my life, I knew they existed and I have enjoyed reading 'em too. I hate writing my thoughts out. I am a deep person, I think a lot, its nothing to be surprised about either. I have always thought of something important or made a good observation of an existing situation and I felt like I should write it down but I never did and now this..I still can't do it.
I feel self-concisious because I know I am not a good writer, and I have read blogs of other people that are so well written, that I feel dwarfed. Do you see this..placing a comma in infront of that and usage of 'dwarfed' in a random way. Wow, I think my mind is extremely unstable, just b/c i can't focus on one thought and follow up on it. Also when I write 'my mind is extremely unstable' does not mean that I, myself am unstable.
Now that I am reading my blog from the beginning, I sound extremely ridiculous and this whole write up is turning my away from it, and I feel like deleting it. BUT, you know what I am not going to do that because I wanna see in 10 years what the hell I was writing and my way of thinking.
Anyways, to make it quick so I can get off this blog. My reflections on my fav. shows.

30 Rock: Awesome, reminds me of Arrested Development. Great Character Portrayal and Development as the season passes. Starting this season.
Scrubs: Great, cant wait to see what happens between JD and Elliot.
The Office: Wow, Thursdays seem very exciting for rich comedy.
Entourage: Disappointing End, I feel like I lost interest.

And I am Done.